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The Shepherd's Sheep

Updated: Jan 19

I remember one church service as a teenager that altered my life forever.

"What is the most expensive thing in our church? " The Pastor asked us. The congregation looked around the church and having some discussion amongst ourselves, we gave our best responses.

Maybe it was the piano or the church building?

Maybe it was the church van or the alter?

Maybe it was our youth?

None of us guessed the correct answer. And none of guessed where he was going with this question.

" An empty chair, " he responded. I remember the church sanctuary growing quiet with the heaviness of those words.

The price of an empty chair in the church?


Our world is ever changing. Our economy struggles. We prepare for food shortages and ways to make our dollars stretch. We budget and we plan.

But are we preparing for the wrong events?

We have prepared for The Great Pandemic of 2020, and we quickly grab our supplies for any inclement weather, but have we prepared our souls for Judgement Day? An event none of us can escape. An event none of us knows the hour of.

Are our homes stocked with prayer? Are our pantries filled with the Gospel?

Are we ready for Heaven?

Are our spouses and our children ready?

Are our neighbors ready?

Our parents?

Our grandparents?

The strangers we pass on the streets every single day?

The most expensive thing in a church is an empty seat, because it represents a lost soul. Someone who hasn't heard the love story of Christ. Someone searching for something the world could never give them.

What are we doing as Christians to spread the gospel? What are we doing as Christians to walk in complete obedience and spread His word and love daily?

There is an account in the bible in Matthew 9:36-38 that reads, " But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest."

Jesus looked upon the lost and was able to see past their sins. He saw a lost people. He felt compassion for them, because he knew they were drowning in themselves and they needed someone to show them the way out.

The harvest is ready, but we must rise up as the laborers of the body of Christ to gather them. We must live a life that pleases God and sets an example for His people. We must rise up boldly and willingly to offer the truth to those who long to hear it. We must present ourselves as a willing vessel unto God and take up every opportunity God gives to us. We must prepare ourselves with prayer and the reading of the Word. We have to put away our distractions and listen for His guidance. We have to go and disciple others. We have to step out of our comfort zones and stand up for God.

An empty seat inside the gates of Heaven is much too precious to let just one sheep get away. Souls are desperate. Souls are hurting. Souls are searching. It is time to bring in the harvest.

Every day you come into contact with someone. Someone at the grocery store. Someone at your job. Someone at the gas station. They are all precious in the eyes of God. Did you even notice them today?

God is calling us to spread his gospel. God is calling us to rise and take a stand for him as he has done for us. God is calling on his laborers to bring in the harvest to the Kingdom.

The Shepherd is gathering his sheep. Will he come for you?

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