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Pastoral Scene
Hello, I'm Amie , a sheep of the Shepherd 

I grew up in a Christian home; but like all of his children, I had to discover the love of Christ on my own.  As a domestic violence survivor, mother of three , and wife to the most amazing God-fearing man, I heard God calling me.  God gave us each a talent to  use for his kingdom , and at nearly 30 years old I knew it was finally time to put mine to use. With the leadership and direction of the Almighty above, I hope to inspire His people and teach them how to apply the bible to their everyday lives.   Please feel free to read and share these stories with your loved ones.  Share them with a mourning mother or a father who has hit hard times.  Share them with a stranger. 

Just get out and share the gospel with someone. 

The shepherd is gathering his sheep. 


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