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I Am Martha


Updated: Jan 19, 2024

Picture it. Jesus knocking on your front door. I can only imagine what it would be like to walk the Earth with the Savior. Perhaps the people of his day didn't fully understand how blessed they were. I know as a mother I would immediately start to apologize for the toys laid out on the floor, the laundry still in the dryer (or even piled upon the couch), and the wild children screaming in the background. I would busy myself trying to provide refreshments worthy enough to serve a guest- a King at that. Suddenly, the floors I carefully mopped this morning would still appear dirty. The furniture I was so proud of now made me insecure. The desire to keep up to society's standards of living would instantaneously cave in. Is this home good enough to house company? More importantly, would I let the King dwell here? Can you relate?

There's an account in the bible that I often find myself meditating on. The first time I heard the story as an adult it brought tears to my eyes. I am Martha, I thought.

In this account Jesus comes to visit Martha and her sister Mary- in their own home. How exciting! Martha makes herself insane with serving. A meal must be prepared! Cleaning must be done again! Everything must be perfect. Jesus is in our home!

Yet her sister Mary does nothing to help her. Sound familiar?

She sits with Jesus while Martha scurries about doing everything on her own. She wants to join them, but she is drowning in chores. She grows frustrated. She begs Jesus to make her sister help her. Jesus does not.

Jesus tells her that she is troubled over so many things, but the one thing that is needed is where Mary is- with Jesus!

I am Martha.

So many times, I find myself troubled. I'm mopping, folding laundry, washing children, feeding bellies, working a full-time job, changing diapers, grasping for straws to find time with my husband, and at odds with myself. "Me time" seems to be a thing of the past when I could take showers alone without tiny fingers opening the bathroom door impatiently pleading, "Mommy, are you done yet?" Is a parent's job ever truly done?

There are nights I lie in silence replaying all the moments I could have done differently in the day. The mom guilt overbearing. Dads, we see you, too. I may be a woman, but I know there are men out there getting it done too. We salute you.

I am Martha.

You see, we trouble ourselves with the things of this world, and we forget the one thing we need is Jesus. He's been right there in our homes the whole time. He's waited patiently while we do chore after chore, and we beg for help that never comes.

I am Martha.

The laundry can wait. It will still be there tomorrow. Your world won't end if the dishes stay in the dish washer another second. Your children will mimic the relationship they see. Dust off your bible.

The job will still be there. The financial situation will still be there. The worries. The problems. The errands. The cooking. The cleaning. It can all wait. The solutions you may be looking for are already waiting in your home. He's there if you want him to be. He's waiting.

Jesus wants to dwell in your home with you. He wants to visit with you in the messy parts of life. He wants the raw and real you. He sees it. He knows about it. And yet all he wants is you.

I am Martha, but today I choose Jesus.

Join me.



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